One of the most famous DOP products realized in our territory is linked to the “Casciotta di Urbino”. It is a kind of cheese with a very old tradition. It is composed of sheep’s milk (from the 70% up to the 80%) and cow’s milk. The forms range from a weight of 800 to 1200 grams. Their height varies from 5 to 7 cm and their diameter is comprehended between 12 and 16 cm. It is white-yellow with a very sweet taste. According to some historical researches, this kind of cheese was eaten also a long time ago. It was the favorite food of famous people like Pope Clemente XIV and Michelangelo Buonarroti. Surely it was also on the tables of the Dukes of Montefeltro.
According to the legend, the famous tradition to produce the “Formaggio di Fossa” arises in Montefeltro. In fact, this custom to put the cheese in the ground was born because of the need of farmers to defend the product from raids. Then they realized that cheese acquired a new and distinctive flavor and for this reason they started to use this technique of preservation.