Scopri Sant' Angelo in Vado - Montefeltro Living



Sant’Angelo in Vado is a small town of the Marche of about 4000 people, which belongs to the Municipality of Pesaro-Urbino and it is located in the upper Metauro valley. It was born in the Middle Ages, since it rose up on the Roman ruins of Tifernum Metaurense, an old municipality destroyed during the Gothic war. Nowadays there are many important archeological findings of Tifernum Metaurense. Like other towns of this area, Sant’Angelo is characterized by an old part situated in the town center and a more recent part that surrounds the center. One of the most important resources of this town is represented by its “land”, which offers the “precious white truffle”, which is considered a delicacy in culinary field. Besides, the “Domus del mito” is very important. It was built in the 1st century A.C. and it represents the most important archeological finding discovered in the last 50 years.  


The old town center is a charming Medieval hamlet. It is full of small shops and monuments built in different periods, such as the “Palazzo della Regione” (14th century) dominated by “Torre Civica” (El Campanon), the Cathedral (18th century), the old palaces “Santinelli”, “Grifoni”, “Clavari” and “Mercuri”, and “Palazzo Fagnani” that overlooks “Piazza Umberto I”, more commonly known as “Piazza del Papa” because of the presence of a monument dedicated to Pope Clemente XIV(citizen of Sant’Angelo in Vado). We recommend to visit churches of this town, especially the Church of St. Philip, the Church of St. Clare, the Church of St. Catherine, the Church of St. Bernardino and the Church of St. Francis. Furthermore it is interesting to visit “Zuccari” Theatre that was built in the 17th century to honor the brothers Ferderico and Taddeo, famous painters from Sant’Angelo in Vado.


A great aristocratic domus built at the end of the 1st century A.C. is preserved in the subsoil of Campo della Pieve. It is about 1000 m2 and it is characterized by rich figurative mosaics. It is one of the most important “domus” of the Marche. Mosaic floors are well preserved and very good. They represent different subjects that  show the inclusion of an old city in the circulation of cardboards and specialized workers, and the presence in it of educated and sophisticated customers. Main themes that emerge are: Neptune and Amphitrite on the “Chariot of the Triumph” led by sea horses, Dionysius and the beautiful Medusa, the hunting scene, etc.


It is located in the basement of Mercuri Palace, where local handcraft workshops were reconstructed. This museum shows trades that were carried out in the past in Stant’Angelo in Vado: carpenter, cooper, hat maker, shoemaker, basket maker, rope maker, blacksmith. Besides, it was added a typical trade of the Romagna, i.e. rust-printing of fabrics. There are also documents of other trades that demonstrate the excellence of craftsmanship in Sant’Angelo in Vado. Documents about tools showed in the Museum were realized by a research group thanks to oral testimonies of some local craftsmen. 


Sant’ Angelo in Vado is characterized by many natural places where you can spend beautiful days together with your family and friends. We recommend to visit “Cascata del Sasso” (Stone waterfall), which is the greatest waterfall of Metauro and one of the 10 most beautiful in Italy. It is characterized by a front of 60 m, so that it represents a wonderful scenery since from a height of 12,5 m Metauro waters flow in the layers of marble limestone. On the left bank there is an old mill, which does not work anymore, even though it helps to magnify the charm of landscape. The lake is surrounded by willows and poplars, besides it is possible to see rare species such as the kingfisher. On the opposite part of the town there is Aiolina lake, which is an ideal place to relax, to get tinned and to spend spare time with friends, to go for walks, to fish, etc. However, even though fishing is allowed only to card-carrying people, it is possible to obtain daily permits. Furthermore, there is the Oratory for the guys, which is open all over the year and allows guys to meet each others. For boys who love sport, there are two soccer fields and two basketball courts, for girls there are two volleyball courts. Inside it is possible to play ping pong and other games.