Scopri Lunano - Montefeltro Living



Lunano is a modern town, famous because of its highly modern and developed industrial area. However, Lunano is an interesting town also because of its culture and history. It raised in the Middle Ages, when the Castle of Lunano was built. The ruins of the Castle made of sandstone domain the town, which raised in the valley below, overlooking part of the Foglia River Valley and the valley of Mutino stream. There are many stories about wizards and elves, originating from the two streams. At the beginning this area was ruled by the Counts of Montefeltro. The tower was the first building to be created, together with some houses. Over the centuries other near villages was created. 


In the 18th century the castle was already mostly collapsed and only a few families lived there. The other families already lived in the valley below. The so-called “Convento del monte Illuminato” and the Castle of Lupaiolo are evidences of people presence in the village.

The convent is in a position antithetical to the Castle. According to a legend, St. Francis arrived in Lunano Convent during one of his trip in the Apennines recovering a blind person thanks to well water. The Castle of Lupaiolo is reachable through a walk starting from the convent and following the Castle of Oliva Counts, the Mercatale Dam, Catria and Nerone Mountains. Lupaiolo was one of the oldest castles of Montefeltro. In the 13th century it already existed and it belonged to the Montefeltro Ducks. It consisted of two different parts: the Castle and a fortress. Until about 30 years ago there were different preserved parts of the castle. After a huge fire houses and ruins were destroyed.

Close to the Castle there is an old path created by the Nazis and paved with stone that goes to Piandimeleto.  

 si addentra nel territorio comunale di Piandimeleto: fu aperto durante il fronte da un reparto di milizie naziste.


Lunano is a typical town of the Apennines, characterized by hills and dense vegetation. Between Lunano and Sassocorvaro there is the oak forest of Logo, which is a very rare example since it is characterized by trees that usually are at higher altitudes.